Saturday 18 May 2013

Time out of Law.... need to sort the google vs apple iWar

Google this and Google that... Apple this and Apple that.... where does it end

Ok, Soooooo I had to make one of the most important decisions of my life (well it felt like my life depended on it) today.

I already own an iPhone, iPad, iTouch, iCloud and iOverload (jokes on the last one!!)

I already own a Dropbox, Laptop, and use google as my main search engine (even on my iItems)

So he question came down to..... buy a iMac or stick to the standard Windows Laptop. The winner.... a Toshiba Satellite Laptop and so far a great decision.... the only problem is I think with it I have now changed and become a full Google convert....

after logging in, and getting take to the 'Windows Store' to download google Chrome, it became necessary for me to create a google mail account (gmail), and the new Windows 8 has 'apps' so of course the google app was a must.

with the gmail account came this blog, and an adsense, adwords and add anything account. I read the following article, and I kind of thought it summed it up....

Googles cloud is eating Apples lunch

5 years ago, Apple was it..... it was the absolute best in technology, never again would we have anything as elusive and exclusive as the iphone (this is of course the same thing we thought when the ipod came out.... and the depletion of CD's) But a phone that was like your personal diary, but also included a GPS, and an internet search browser not to mention games, toys, porn and anything else your heart desires......

Now we seem to have a Google revolution, rearing its head... Google in the clouds, Google on Earth (or Google Earth even!!) even google under the sea.

I suppose the only question left is move over Richard Branson... who will take us to the moon first Apple or Google.

Friday 17 May 2013

Legal aid now just a Band-Aid

Legal aid now just a Band-Aid

<i>Illustration: Simon Letch</i>
Illustration: Simon Letch
Let's call it the funnel effect. A great quantity of material is piled in at the top which ultimately squishes down to droplets coming out the bottom.
So it is with law 'n' justice. Masses of new laws are passed that extend the boundaries of criminality.
In recent parliamentary sessions we've seen the introduction of a new Bail Bill, which largely retains the presumption against bail; evidence of silence amendments (abolition of the right to silence); anti-consorting laws; move-on powers; declaration of outlawed organisations; and mandatory life sentences where police have been murdered.
Concurrently, the budgets, resources and powers of the police force also are expanded.
Meanwhile, at the tail end of the production process, the provision of legal aid services for accused, there are tireless cutbacks and reduction in capacity to apply quality control to the manufacture of new criminals.
Last week the legal aid people in NSW internally circulated a board decision to stop funding a large number of defended cases in the Local Court. Only those cases where there is ''a real possibility of a jail sentence'' will be considered for grants of aid.